Thursday, July 24, 2008

How Do I strengthen my rotator cuff?

How Do I strengthen my rotator cuff? Have you ever experienced a dull ache or sharp pain in your shoulder or upper arm?

Maybe you are unable to sleep on one side because your shoulder wakes you up at night.

What about reaching behind your back when getting your billfold or tucking in your shirt or putting on a belt? If so, you may be suffering from a rotator cuff injury.

How Do I strengthen my rotator cuff, is a question a large segement of people would like answered. Rotator cuff injuries, such as tendonitis, bursitis and tears affects nearly 30% of the people in our population.

Whether you suffer from an acute injury or chronic pain, tendonitis, or even a rotator cuff tear, one thing is certain, in order to reduce the inflammation in your shoulder and to eliminate the pain you need a good answer to the question, How Do I strengthen my rotator cuff?

Steps to Reduce Inflammation

Immediately apply a cold compress to the painful shoulder. The inflammation is the culprit that is causing the pain, therefore if you can get that reduced, then of course the pain will lessen too. Swelling in the bursa is common, as well as inflammation around the tendons of the rotator cuff itself. Again, applying ice to the affected area will diminish the swelling and therefore the pain.

Make sure you apply compression, because this actually helps speed healing and hinders additional swelling.

Applying cold therapy immediately after exercise or increased activity is effective in minimizing inflammation and speeding recovery. This may seem strange, but it is beneficial to apply an ice treatment before bed, which actually will help you sleep with less pain.

Strengthen My Rotator Cuff Exercises For Strength and Range of Motion

Now the swelling and pain are under control, it is time to rehab the injured area with rotator cuff exercises that include effective range of motion and strengthening exercises. Appropriate rotator cuff exercises will help eliminate muscle imbalances and weakness, while returning the shoulder to pre-injury functional levels.

Four to Six Weeks is the usual timetable for a strengthening program. Make sure you are using a quality program that shows you how do I strengthen my rotator cuff. Of course the degree of your injury, the length of time you have been suffering with it, how active you are all determine how long it will take for you to recover.

Remember the first thing that has to happen is the inflammation has to be reduced... so get started with your ice therapy immediately. Go ahead and buy a quality cold compress wrap, don't do silly repetitive or too strenuous shoulder activities, and find a certified medical professional to guide you on effective safe rehabilitation rotator cuff exercises.

If you want to know immediately ...How Do I Strengthen My Rotator Cuff Safely in easy to understand language.Click Here!

About the Author

James Williams writes regularly about health related topics. I hope you enjoy this article.

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