Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Rotator Cuff Tear Rehab That Can Slash Recovery Times

A rotator cuff tear rehab program should include specific inward and outward movements to help the cuff muscles strengthen after trauma or following surgery. Pain and weakness are the symptoms associated with a tear, difficulty in over head movements and performing tasks. Upon tearing a rotator cuff muscle, it is best resting the joint affected without immobilizing it. Immobilization cold lead to a Frozen Shoulder, so it is better minimizing activity to allow the inflammation to settle down before proceeding to rehabilitation.

The symptoms of a rotator cuff tear are pain, usually on the outside of the shoulder, pain at night, and an inability to hold the arm out or lifting it over head in the worst cases. The majority of tears can be treated without surgery with ice packs and anti inflammatories, both prescription and over the counter, or cortisone injections. However, a better and natural solution is performing specific exercises for the 4 muscles of the rotator cuff that can greatly cut down recovery times. These exercises are different from those performed in the gym for the big shoulder muscles, the Deltoid and the Trapezius.

No heavy lifting over head is required, such as in the military press. Instead, inward and outward rotation movements will target and isolate the rotator cuff muscles that insert in different parts of the shoulder blade on one side and converge into the top of the arm on the other. It is these 4 small but very important muscles and tendons that keep the Humeral Head, the ball, into its place, the Glenoid socket, thus preventing the arm from getting dislodged while allowing for the greatest range of motion of any joint.

Unfortunately, due to its complexity and the fact that we use it every day, once injured it is difficult, painful, and time consuming to recover. A rotator cuff tear rehab program can consistently improve recovery, slashing down healing times, thus cutting down also on anti inflammatories on the long run.

If you are affected by a torn shoulder, do not hesitate to check out this rotator cuff tera rehab website for a full and fast recovery. There is no need to rely just on anti inflammatories and put up with pain and discomfort. Click on rotator cuff tera rehab now.